Double Window Envelopes for your Business

There are many advantages to using double window envelopes, advantages which may save money, bring in more customers and make the mailing process so much simpler. Plain envelopes and single window envelopes do not have as much to offer in the way of added efficiency.  By using double window envelopes one does not need to purchase shipping labels. The address of the recipient and of the sender can be printed directly on the paperwork within, saving both time and money for the business.

Financial Savings
Investing in envelopes with double windows can help to make a company appear more professional to the average consumer without having to spend more money. The double window makes it easy to personalize each missive in such a way that there is no need to print extra labels or specific envelopes for each address. These envelopes can be used for multiple purposes and sent to any address without having to worry about misprints. This makes them a more versatile purchase and can help to decrease costs normally associated with mass mailings.

Double window envelopes can be bought in bulk and specially printed with a logo or company name. They are multi-purpose and can be used for many different types of correspondence. It is a worthwhile investment to purchase envelopes such as these.

Ease of Use
Another benefit to using double window envelopes is that they are easier to use for the consumer. The recipient can easily identify who has sent it and does not have to worry about losing the business’s address if the envelope gets thrown away. So long as they still have the contents of the envelope, they will easily be able to access the contact information of the company. This means there are fewer things for the recipient to look after, which will lead to more productive results.

Double window envelopes can also help recipients to more easily sort out what is important in their stack of mail by first glance. If the company name and contact information is in one of the windows, they can identify what mail is important and what can be left until a later time. Envelopes like this lend an air of importance to a letter and will help to identify the correspondence as critical, to be opened right away and read.

In short, using double window envelopes makes things easier from both the company stand point and the customer stand point. Ordering customized envelopes can reduce the printing costs, lower the error rate, and abolish the need for individual address labels. As well as being a financially sound decision, they also contribute positively to the professionalism of a company. When missives are delivered in neat and cleanly cut envelopes like these, they are more likely to be taken seriously.