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6x9-Booklet-with-window-envelope 6x9 Window Envelope with print 6" x 9" Booklet Window Envelopes, # 37374
Prices starting as low as $66.00 for 500

This PDF envelope template shows window size and location for 6 x 9 window envelope

Window Size: 1-1/8 x 4-1/2
Position: 7/8 from the left
2-3/8 from the bottom

24 lb white wove

Printed 1 color black

This PDF envelope template shows window size and location for 6 x 9 window envelope

Window Size: 1-1/8 x 4-1/2
Position: 7/8 from the left
2-3/8 from the bottom

24 lb white wove

Prices starting as low as $66.00 for 500

Window Size: 1-1/8" x 4-1/2"
Position: 7/8" from the left
1-1/2" from the bottom

24 lb white wove